Monday, October 27, 2014

Traffic enforcer sells rice cakes "kakanin" to motorists

A video of a traffic enforcer selling rice cakes (kakanin in Tagalog) went viral after the person identified as Tosmags who had taken the footage sent it to YouScoop, one of the segments of GMA News.

It continues to spread like a wildfire due to its content showing the traffic enforcer striving to generate some extra income for his family in such a very amusing way, making people see a different kind of public officer. This guy is doing something honorable to raise money rather than taking bribes from the road violators.

From the clip, the traffic enforcer was caught offering his 'kakanin' to motorists inside an SUV while on the gas station along EDSA. He has a large container where the rice cakes are stored. The container seemed like installed in his motorcycle.

According to Tosmags, the 'kakanins' were made and prepared by the wife of the officer and he is the one who do the selling part. The source further emphasized that the traffic enforcer was very kind and polite to his customers and other people and motorists.

Different point of views from the netizens were garnered. Majority of them praised the traffic enforcer for being honest of making extra cash on top of his salary.

On the other hand, some discussed that he should not be selling while on duty and wearing a public uniform. According to them, this can be intimidating to some of the potential customers.

