Wednesday, September 17, 2014

An alleged Apparition of 'Blessed Virgin Mary' seen in Africa

This video is not like those UFO footages out there. We're assuming that a person was holding a device that can record this phenomenon where it captured something in the sky that resembles the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

There is no enough information found on the description of this video but the title indicates that it happened somewhere in "Africa."

Upon seeing this video, we went straight to Google and type the keywords "Virgin Mary Apparition in Africa" which led me to that wrote something about "Project Blue Beam."

What is Project Blue Beam?

According to, Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that claims that NASA is attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order, via a technologically-simulated Second Coming.

That being said, it could be that that was seen in the footage or it could also be a demonic spirit disguising as the Virgin Mary. Else, it could just be another hoax game.

People who witnessed this unusual thing in the sky suddenly became emotional. From what we have heard, some are crying while others are cascading some sort of prayers.

The people are quite agitated by whatever it is they are seeing in the sky. Occasionally, their excitement spikes with startled cries and what sound to me like prayers being shouted. They are obviously seeing something unusual and startling.

What really is that thing? Is this related to the Miracle of the Sun way back October 13, 1917, which was attributed to Our Lady of Fatima apparition.

Here's another version of this video with another unexplained element appeared in the sky that can be seen in the last part. At the end of this video, it shows what seems like to be a hologram of Christ crucified in the sky somewhere over Russia.

The apparition of Blessed Virgin Mary and the crucifix in the sky. Or just the Project Blue Beam?

What do you think it is?

