Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wasted Man rapes a Dog in Cebu (video report)

A drunk man raped a dog in a barangay in Mandaue, Cebu probably for being a brokenhearted after a breakup with his girl.

According to Salvador Zapanta, the dog owner, the unusual incident happened right outside his store where he saw the man acting maliciously towards his pet dog.

The pet owner told News5 Cebu that he pointed a flashlight to the man but continued on raping the domestic dog.

Zapanta went to the authorities and asked for help. The suspect was arrested by the police officers but denied the allegation of having sex with a dog. He even insisted that he saw a beautiful woman with whom he made love with.

Though the man did not get any charges from the dog owner, he left the village eventually due to utmost embarrassment.

The sex offender who got drunk and raped a dog that night was found out that he just recently split up with his live-in partner.

