It is unusual to see a mutant spider dog this huge. It's enough to make people feel terrorized once this horrific gigantic creature appears and moves toward them.
This spider dog is disguising as a terrfying eight-legged giant spider with props set on the scene.
The whole prank is the work of Sylwester Wardega and his pooch Chica wearing a fur-covered costume disturbing the innocent public.
As of writing this, this prank video that was uploaded 4 days ago in YouTube has now over 50 million views. People find this clip very amusing where this big hairy creature lurking the alleys, doorways, and elevator all set up to scare and startle its victims.
Due to its popular demand, Chica now has its own Facebook Fan Page named as Chica the DogSpider.
Yes, 50 million hits in just 4 days, but can Chica beat the Gangnam Style which currently has over 2 billion views?
Source: Kicker Daily