Wednesday, October 1, 2014

"God Sent Me For You" -- Can Money Buy Happiness? (share for cause)

NEW DELHI, INDIA - A viral video that has been making its rounds that touched many netizens for its main goal to help and give happiness to other people.

This was initiated by ActorVarunPruthi on September 19, 2014, and uploaded it to YouTube which now has over 930,000 views, as of writing this article.

Watch this heartwarming social integration originally entitled as "God Sent Me For You - Giving Rs 1000 Notes to Needy - [Share For Cause]"

And here's the 2nd part:

As we can see, ActorVarunPruthi is asking the hardworking people around Diwali if they believe in God and if they are Faithful enough to God. He helps them by sharing out Rs 1000 which is equivalent to roughly 720 pesos or 16 dollars to each and every one of them.

He believes that the only way to have happiness is by giving happiness to other people, especially to those who are in need and to those who are very brave to live life no matter how hard it is.
Next time you feel like giving up just think about them...

If you're in tears, then yes, money can buy happiness.

We waste our life on things we think could buy happiness until we realize the only way to buy happiness is to give happiness.

