Wednesday, September 10, 2014

LOOK: Unbelievable transformation of a dark fat Thai kid to a sexy smooth-skinned lady

BANGKOK, Thailand – Attentions gather to look at this slender transgender lady from Thailand who used to be a somewhat obese dark-skinned boy.

She's uploading images of her showing her latest feminine figure. If you visit and take a look at her photos, you will be noticing her ample cleavage, long flowy hair, long eyelashes, and her porcelain skin.

As per the report of Kicker Daily, she previously deleted all her old photos revealing her old appearance. One day, she shared a photo showing her old self as a fat dark-skinned Thai boy which was extremely different from what she is now.

featured image

In Thailand, transgender individuals and the medical practice of plastic surgery are widely accepted. It is now common to hear stories about lovely young women who originally were men made possible by the cosmetic surgery and sex change operation.

Here are some of her pictures we gathered from her Facebook as they are posted publicly:

The dramatic change of her appearance was brought the attention of the media and they want to know which clinics she have had for her operations to be done.

Because of this revelation of her 'unbelievable transformation' from being a fat boy to a sexy woman, her Facebook account garnered over 18,000 followers as of writing this.

Here's a short clip of her, take a look at her:

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