Scroll down to watch the video below.
We have first featured this trio band last July 25, 2014, when Zacky Kandalayang uploaded a video of them singing Having You Near Me of Air Supply. Watch it here.
After that, another video featuring them was again uploaded in YouTube that had been trending in the Internet. Watch them singing Let Her Go by Passengers and hear the powerful voice of Jhong Madaliday on his version of Too Much Love Will Kill You.
They became the newest online sensation after those videos were watched by the netizens from different countries. Not so long, they were tagged as the "Pinoy Air Supply" and joined the noontime show's singing contest.
Watch the latest performance of "Pinoy Air Supply" singing Having You Near Me:
Viewers were cheering and clapping while they were singing. They'd been wowed by the voice of Jhong, the lead singer. At the end, a standing ovation was given to them by the audience.
On behalf of XOLXOL family, we would like to congratulate the band for reaching this far. Let's continue to support them and be proud of their talent.