Friday, August 10, 2018

Woman Sends $1.4 Million To Online Lover She Have Never Met Personally

Chris Olsen, sarah

When it comes to defining love, almost everyone could agree that love is truly blind. As it makes you accept and take on risks that you never thought you could do. To some, love is totally a feeling that makes us vulnerable, vulnerable to hurt and pain, vulnerable to lies and deceit - and a story from a woman who sent her internet lover a huge chunk of money could attest to that.

Meet Sarah, the woman who shared how she has sent almost $1.4 million to a man she's never met. The woman fell madly in love with the man after their paths have crossed online. Sarah was divorced twice when she met a man named Chris Olsen in the virtual world of online dating.

Sarah was told by Chris that he originally came from Milan, Italy but only moved to the United States 18 years ago. The two got along really well as they talk over the phone for numerous hours every day. Those conversations over the phone and online chat made Sarah madly in love with Chris.
"An attractive person came on there and said 'you look like you wouldn't hurt a fly. I thought 'wow, this guy is really handsome, I can't believe he's talking to me. Chris has a way with words. He'll say 'how is my queen doing today. He's very poetic when he talks to me. He writes 'Mrs. Olsen, I love you and I can't wait to be with you'." - Sarah on The Dr. Phil Show
Chris Olsen, sarah

The premise of their romantic story may resemble the inspiring stories of love made by online dating sites but the romantic story turned sour as they haven't met each other personally. Chris introduced himself to Sarah as a widower with two daughters, he also told her that he had been in South Africa for business opportunities but now got stuck in Benin, West Africa due to getting trouble with the local government. Their relationship was not only flowery words or poetic exchanges of messages as Sarah confessed to sending over $1 Million to Chris to help him with his numerous problems such as stolen cards, calling cards, hotel bills, lawyers, a nanny and visa renewals. Chris also told her that he got imprisoned due to false charges of money laundering and he needs money to get out of jail. Sarah cannot ignore her lover's plea so she sold her apartment for more than half a million dollars.

Sarah even convinced Chris to go back to the US but whenever that gets brought up, Chris would call Sarah saying that he attempted to go back to the US but his attempts to leave Africa always fails and he even goes back to jail whenever he tries to do it again. It was repeated up to 5 to 6 times. Sarah also shared that as time passes by, she notices Chris' accents changing.
"When I first started talking to him. He sounded Italian, now his accent's kind of change I don't know if he's adapted to where he's at... in Benin." - Sarah
However, Sarah stills hold on the promises of love made by Chris, She still believes in him.
"I have questioned several times whether or not this is a scam, But I'm 95 per cent certain that Chris is telling me the truth. I still believe in love." - Sarah
