Friday, August 1, 2014

Marcos Highway Vehicular Accident


ANTIPOLO CITY – A passenger vehicle "jeepney" went out of control early Friday morning, August 1, 2014, while traversing the long and stiff Marcos Highway taking the lives of 2 passengers.

It was roughly 6:50 am and the vehicle was going down to Cubao via Cogeo when its hand brake malfunctioned and bumped into a concrete entrance gate of Kirkland Building just near Cherry Foodarama.

wrecked vehicle hit concrete gate

It caused a multiple casualty incident in Barangay Mayamot.

A local-based radio network reports that the passenger jeepny was overloaded and was running in a high speed on a slippery road brought by early morning rainfall.

Rescue team and ambulances from Antipolo City responded within 5-10 minutes after the accident occurred and immediately implemented the color-coding scheme to distinguish which person needs the most medical attention.

rescue groups arrived in the area where the incident happened

The passengers were rush to the Antipolo District Hospital but unfortunately declared dead on arrival. The other 26 casualties were taken to the Amang Rodriguez Hospital in Marikina City for further medical treatment.

The driver, Arturo Ramirez, was admitted and was unavailable to be interviewed by the press.

Philippine National Police immediately commanded to tow the wrecked vehicle near their headquarters for further investigation.

a policeman interviewing an eyewitness

Reckless imprudence resulting to homicide and physical injuries will be charged to the operator and driver of the public vehicle.

Condolences extend to the family of those victims that killed in the accident.

Reports from local base radio
City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office

