Monday, August 13, 2018

AEQUOREA: World’s First Underwater Village Revealed

Aequorea, floating city

The Earth’s surface is composed of 71% water but still, humans prefer to live on land.

If you have given a chance to live in an eco-friendly underwater village, where everything you have needed is there, would you grab this opportunity?

But, is it even possible?

The answer is YES!

Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut makes this dream possible for everyone.

Callebaut has revealed his futuristic plans for the world's first underwater skyscrapers, where everything is located underneath the waves.

‘Aequorea’ is a city made from ‘oceanscrapers’, towering glass structures, which reach down as far as a thousand meters deep and each structure can accommodate up to 20,000 people.

Each inverted oceanscraper is made from algae and rubbish has 250 floors and is half a kilometer wide.

Aequorea, floating city

The entrance and docks are from the top and the spiral design is a perfect replica of the jellyfish.

The actual buildings would be made from recycled plastics. It also includes practical living spaces like homes, office, hotels, orchards, farms, sports fields and pretty much anything you might find on land.

As a means of solution to decrease carbon footprint, Callebaut says that the eco-friendly structure does not require dangerous fossil fuels as they produce their own energy and heat.

Aside from that, fresh drinking water is also produced by a power plant, which uses the in-depth pressure to counteract osmotic pressure and separate the water from salt.

In addition, air is naturally renewed by convection through wind chimneys found in the tower or by an oxygen station.

On the other hand, residents and workers could get light from bioluminescence and microalgae would work to recycle organic waste.

Callebaut said food source for the people living inside this eco-village will be coral reefs and farming fields.

Fruits and vegetable can be grown inside the eco-village and fishing in the ocean are also possible, he said.

The underwater life can go on as usual and they would be some spectacular views too, looking out into the deep sea.

It may take a year or even a decade for this underwater eco-village to become a reality, but someday, it will be. Nothing is impossible now especially with our modern technology, unending curiosity, and eternal imagination.

People are already fond of different underwater attractions, from underwater reefs to underwater museums to underwater hotels; these are once-in-a-lifetime travel for all of us.

So, how about waking up in an underwater village for a change? Want to try?

Written by Adjie Perez, Lucis Philippines contributor.
Image: Vincent Callebaut Architectures
