This determined to be a hoax or fake article made by website.
Here's how the story goes. This girl is named as "Veronica" who jumped in flash flood during the onslaught of Typhoon Mario last Saturday. She was found dead in the river near their house.
According to that satire website, "the night before the incident happened Veronica’s sister Melany saw her youngest sister veronica crying while holding her cellphone at her room that night. She asked Veronica what happened, Why she’s crying, but the girl didn’t answer."
It was found out that the strong possible evidence of Veronica's death is because of her boyfriend. Some text messages that should support the incident were recovered in her cellphone.
Here's the screenshot of the conversation of Veronica and her guy that led sour:

So, I hope we cleared things out. This is a fake news shared by a satire blog. It is not real.