Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Miracle Baby Has Officially Passed Away After Rising To Her OwnFuneral

A 3-year-old kid brought back to life when she was to receive her last sacrament at San isidro Parish Church in Aurora on July 12, 2014, after being clinically dead for 24 hours.

The toddler shocked the people who attended the mass when she allegedly opened and her eyes. She was quickly sent back to the hospital to double check her condition. The medical team pronounced that the kid was already passed away according to the final findings.

The family was hesitant to believe it so they went back to house together with the kid's body.

baby wakes up in the church

A news team from ABS-CBN rushed to the area of the residence on Monday, July 14, 2014, to know the story. What they saw was a child feeding with milk in a cotton while lying in bed. The mother stated that they brought the child back to their home when the parish priest told them that their daughter was still alive.

Though, the priest denied that he said something like that. He even said that he was unable to talk to any family members in the church because a lot of people already gathering in the area where the coffin was.

Another relative strongly believed that she was still alive because when they opened the coffin, the kid moved her head and they felt a pulse upon checking her wrist.

The released medical report indicated that the 3-year-old baby was rushed ahead to a clinic last Thursday night, July 10, 2014, due to a very high fever of up to 41-degree Celsius. Then she passed away due to acute bronchopneumonia on Friday, July 11, 2014. This condition causes the lungs to be inflamed which is very common among children suffering from measles or chronic cough.

July 14, 2014, Monday, a medical allied from the municipal hall went to the family and explained to the mother that her child was no longer in the earth anymore. Her heart stopped beating for a couple of days. The child showed no signs of any life, as per the doctor.

image of baby lying after waking up on her funeral

The child's body is already excreting foul odor that indicates it enters the decomposition stage so the family decided to bury their baby immediately.

