Monday, July 21, 2014

A Dog Travelling 4 Miles To Get Food For Her Companions


Lilica is a companion of Mrs. Neire, owner of this junkyard in the city of San Carlos, San Paulo inland, Brazil. This dog was abandoned in front of the junkyard and this place became her home where she found warmth and companionship with the other dogs, cats, and chicken. They were all united in poverty. Lilica became pregnant and gave birth to 8 puppies. With a large family the comes a great responsibility Lilica has to shoulder, but not enough food that she has to offer to her offspring so she hit the road to gather food for them.

During night time, Lilica is walking 4 miles with almost no visibility, crossing highways with lots of high speed cars, risking her life to search some food. Though, her puppies were adopted but she did not stop. She continued her commitment to her other companions in the junkyard.

“in the beginning she brought food to her puppies, but in time she began bringing food for the other animals here in junkyard as well.” -Mrs. Neire said.

Lilica is always going to the other side of their town where Teach Lucia's place is, who is an animal lover. She has numerous animals which she has adopted from abandonment which she is feeding with rice, beans, and sausage every dinner. Lilica is included in the meal.

Teacher Lucia states that, "she walked and sniffed the garbage bins that called my attention, I thought she was homeless because she was searching for food. It was then that I called her and offered some food.”

This has been Lucia's daily routine for over 3 years. She leaves home at exactly 9 in the evening and goes to an empty lot near to her place where she waits for Lilica to arrive.

When the Lilica comes in, she's very hungry after walking for several miles and she feasts with the food served by the teacher.

“I don’t travel. I don’t go places and stay for too long because of her...because I know she relies on me, so it’s a commitment that I have with her, and a commitment she has with me too, cause she comes every day.” -Teacher Lucia

But the dog doesn't have that big stomach to finish all the food so Lucia told a story what Lilica is doing with the other portion of the food:
“One day she stopped eating, grabbed the food bag and ran with the open bag and the food was dropping from the bag along the way. Then the following day when she finished eating I tied the bag and she took it…from thereon that’s how we do it...I tie the bag and she carries it.” -Teacher Lucia

The teacher became curious as to why Lilica is always carrying a bag of food and where she's going, so she followed her.

She then discovered that Lilica is risking her life every night, crossing the highways, just to feed her junkyard friends for the companionship and solidarity.

“We as human beings barely share things with others but an animal sharing things with other animals is a lesson, a lesson for us.” -Mrs. Neiro

