Wednesday, June 25, 2014

LeBron Ended His Contract With Miami Heat, Is He Going Back To Cleveland?

Worldwide - The 4-time MVP NBA player LeBron James delivered his early termination option with Miami Heat to make himself a free agent starting July 1.

In the NBA history, only one team managed to get into five consecutive NBA Finals and that was Boston Celtics who was able to get 10 straight from 1957 to 1966. Is King James going to leave this opportunity on the table?

After the San Antonio Spurs won over Miami Heat in the Game 5 of the NBA Finals, James will take his chance to go on vacation with his family before taking part seriously on this matter.

LeBron still has two (2) years of contract with Miami and he will make $20 million when he decided to continue to play with the team for the next season and a total of $42.7 million for the rest of the contract. He has until June 30, 2014, to decide whether to opt out and be a free agent or stick with the Heat.

On the social media, his wife, Savannah James, uploaded a photo in Instagram which has an Akron, Ohio logo which quickly became like a wildfire over the Internet. It gives the people an idea that LeBron will leave Miami and go back to the Cavaliers, but it's still just a wild speculation.

As for now, wherever LJ would want to go, no doubt that he will still give us one of the best NBA history of all times.
