Thursday, October 11, 2018

Philippines Pastor Claims He Travelled The Solar System


Quiboloy, Cult, Pastor

Apollo C. Quiboloy was born in a small village in Davao City, in the Philippines. It is claimed that at birth his mother saw a vision of the face of God smiling down from the sky which said to her "That is my Son." After high school, Quiboloy attended a Bible college and later became the national youth president for the United Pentecostal Church. It was after this that he formed his own organization The Kingdom of Jesus Christ or The Name above Every Name Inc. on September 1st, 1985.


These small minds,
Can only give jolen as a gift.
They can only understand that.
Thankfully, I brought jolen.
Not only this world did the Father showed me
Many times he took me there [heaven]
Those planets, I passed by them all.
All of you can’t do that.
You will criticise again “he said that he passed by the planets”


I Am The Son Of God:

Additional Reference: Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry

