Monday, August 20, 2018

How Cilantro Can Make You Healthier And Prevent Diseases



Cilantro is an herb mostly used as a flavoring or spice in some dishes. Many of us do not realize that it has topnotch medicinal properties. It aids our body to cleanse or flush out accumulated toxic substances in our body. We absorb these toxins in the food we eat mostly these toxins come from traces of pesticides or preservatives.

There are also studies proved that parsleys can even cure serious kidney conditions. Several studies have shown that cilantro can effectively filter these harmful substances in our bloodstream. Cilantro leaves are also shown to have a water purifying properties. Many people suffering from serious kidney conditions recovered faster after drinking a juice made of cilantro.

The secret behind cilantro's seemingly magical properties is that it can start accretion of toxic substances in the microscopic level. Cilantro also contains electrolytes and antioxidants that aids a person in his/her recovery after suffering from a certain type of disease. There are also properties that can prevent diabetes as well.

Now that we know that cilantros are more than herbs and spices, we should consider it now as a part of our everyday living. In the polluted cities, we need cilantro to filter the toxins that our body accumulates. There are many recipes online on how to properly juice cilantros. Make sure that you follow the instructions for optimum results.

Written by Kristine Ang, Lucis Philippines contributor.

