Friday, September 26, 2014

Floyd Mayweather talks trash to Pacquiao on Instagram; says Jinkee is broke and looking for a Payday

Another desperate move from Floyd Mayweather, trash talking Pacquiao on his Instagram account by posting a photo of Pacman and making fun of it while also saying that 'Miss Pacman' (Jinkee) is broke and looking for a payday.

Here's the awful message from Mayweather to Pacquiao:

My new boxing DVD is coming soon and is called “3 Ways to Sleep”. Back, Face and Butt and I’m Falling & I Can’t Get Up. Miss Pac Man is broke and desperate for a pay day. Your Pay-Per-View numbers are a joke.

This attention-seeker move by Mayweather made people think that he is gay enough to put up a fight using his mouth and not his gloves against Pacman. He was also dubbed as "gayweather".

Why Floyd Mayweather is so desperate to get some attention by bashing Pacman in the internet? Is he scared or jealous?

Let us know your thoughts on this issue by commenting below.

