Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Crying baby gets excited when she hears Katy Perry song


Just another Katy Perry fan but she's bigger than any fans out there.

This cute little baby girl was so distressed while riding at the backseat of a car. Her gestures and soundings indicate that she is somewhat irritated and obviously having a tantrum.

But as soon as she heard the song "Dark Horse" by Katy Perry being played on the car radio, she got really excited and smiled, like she already forgot all of her problems.

It seems like this joyful baby is so familiar with the tune of Dark Horse song.

Here we go, watch her jam.

This video was first uploaded on August 4, 2014, by Eva Baker which now has a whopping 7.7 million views as of posting. It's been barely just 3 days since it was made available in public.

Also, the next day after the short clip became viral, the pop star went on her Tweeter and shared the video to her 55 million followers.

