Gardenia is known for their good bread which is always fresh, soft, and healthy. Their famous tagline in the market is “So Good You Can Even Eat It On Its Own”.
The company quickly responded and reached out to Chan the same day. The open letter gathered different kinds of reactions from the netizens.
Here's the letter from Wilonah to Gadernia Philippines:
An Open Letter To Gardenia
ATTN: Gardenia Philippines
I’m a loyal consumer of your product for so many years already and I love your loaf bread, really. However, I would like to express my DISGUST when I saw this unknown insect embedded in one of the slices. I am providing photos as proof that this have happened inside your factory, there is no way that I planted this and I have no reason to do that. All I want is to enjoy my breakfast. Honestly, I’m devastated that I might have eaten the other half of the insect’s wings because it’s obviously cut by the machine together with the bread.
Back in college, we went to your production plant as part of our field trip. I was amazed knowing that you are ISO certified as well. I can’t believe that your QA overlooked this. I’ve been trying to call your hotline but maybe you relied on your operator system too much or probably because it’s a Sunday and no one’s in the office today.
I am more than willing to send you this particular slice of bread so you could see for yourself. I cannot find any email address to send you photos in better quality than this photo collage. I just used iPhone BTW, but I did my best to take clear shots.
I am writing this to also share awareness to other consumers that by any chance they experience the same incident, they might want to speak up as well. I know this might cause a bad publicity to your brand but such customer complaint will surely improve the business itself.
And to everyone who’s reading this right now, some of you will surely bash me for this but it really won’t help. It was NOT YOU who ALMOST ate an insect for breakfast. I’m just disappointed, thank you for your utmost understanding.
Wilonah Chan”
Gardenia quickly responded on this issue by reaching out to Wilonah through Twitter. In fact, they called her and said that they're going to her place soon to get the bread slice with an unknown insect embedded on it and replace it with a new bread loaf. Chan also added that they were nice to talk to and they provided the email address that she was asking for. She already sent the photos through email.
Wilonah Chan and the bashers
After she published her Facebook post, it suddently became trending and the bashers can't keep it to themselves. Wilonah expressed her side that she just made that open letter solely for consumer awareness and not for some quick fame scheme. She also stated that she's really disappointed on how of some Filipino people are reacting to this kind of stuff. Some are bashing her about being attention seeker, etcetera. She also questioned the public that "who wants to be famous because of a bread with an insect on it?"
But in the end, Wilonah will still buy Gardenia products.