Monday, July 7, 2014

Cadet Officers Suspended For Another Hazing Incident in De La SalleUniversity


Manila, Philippines - The fatal hazing incident in College of St. Benilde (CSB) which brought death to Guillo Servando is still under investigation and another one arises in De La Salle University with the involvement of a registered school organization.
The DLSU's official publication, The Lasallian, reported on Sunday that the school suspended the Cadet Officer Candidate Course (COCC) program of the University's Naval ROTC for the hazing-related complaints received by the Student Discipline Foundation Office (SDFO).

Christy Santiago, the director of SDFO, states that they started conducting their formal investigation last June after they received an endorsement letter from the Dean of Students Affairs, Fritzie de Vera. The COCC program or also known as the advanced ROTC program was suddenly stopped and temporarily suspended to prevent any interference that can affect with the end result of the investigation.

cadet officers in DLSU

The SDFO stated that COCC program it be back during the second term with the same schedule of the University's National Service Training Program (NSTP).

The said investigation initiated by DLSU's student affairs is being fast-tracked and as per the University Legal Counsel, there's a chance to pursue the case and there will be hearings for the coming weeks.

The Philippine Navy’s Naval Reserve Command that has a direct supervision of ROTC program has their own investigation.

Meanwhile, the De La Salle University President Br. Ricky Laguda FSC comes with a short statement saying that "HAZING IS NOT WELCOME IN DLSU".
“Whether true or not, hazing has no place in the University or society in general. Hazing is intrinsically evil. People who do hazing have no conscience. Period" - Br. Ricky Laguda

The Lasallian publication made clear that this issue has no relation to the unfortunate event that Guillo Servando, had with the fraternities.

Servando was a DLS-CSB sophomore student who died two weeks ago after the fatal hazing in the initiation rites of Tau Gamma Phi fraternity. There were three other neophytes joined the frat that were also badly injured.

