Thursday, August 29, 2019

Teacher Makes His Students Drink Pee, Claims It’s "Magic Water and Holy"


holy urine, urine

An elementary school teacher was investigated by the Teacher's Council in Thailand after allegedly adding his own urine to the drinking water of his students and claimed that it is holy water came from the temple.

The unhealthy practice of the teacher was discovered by a medical consultant, Phoomphet Dethastin.

This was after the subject posted on social media about his so-called "magic water" which he believed to be effective in healing stomach ache and headaches for just after 30 minutes of drinking it.

During the investigation, he confessed that he made his 30 students drink the water with his own urine, making his students believe that it was holy water that he got from the temple.

Netizens were outraged after knowing what the teacher had done to his own students, and told him that if he will make such experiment it would be better it he'll use himself as the subject.

However, this is not the only case of a person doing disgusting things without others knowing it.

One of these is the noodle vendor who allegedly used his own urine as secret ingredient to make his product amazingly delicious and can relieved people.

However, a new study debunked this unhealthy and gross practice. The study revealed that urine contains used and dirty chemicals of our body that could be dangerous to our health, and there is no precise study that could explain that urine can be used as medicationto any illness and so.

Published by Mark Lester, Lucis Philippines
