Thursday, July 31, 2014

Heart-melting photo of a little boy in Gaza

In the middle of so much bloodshed and endless destruction in the Middle East, one little fellow reminded us that no such thing can destroy one's dream and that no matter what happens, life should go on.

Johan-Matthias Sommarstrom, a Swedish Radio Gaza correspondent, said that it was then he has finished his day of reporting in Gaza City when a boy approached him outside the hotel premises on Thursday.

"I am a journalist," the little kid said.
"For me the picture is a powerful example of children's strong will to survive. He has seen us journalists go in and out of the hotel, he has seen that we survive. I think that in his pretending play he wants to be like us, someone who survives." -Sommarström

This young boy wears his home-made flak jacket and Johan lend his helmet to him so that he will looks like a real journalist. He will be, someday.

Huffington Post
Swedish Radio Gaza:

