Wazzup Pilipinas!?
Because of almost next to zero events happening due to the never ending quarantines of diverse classifications brought upon us by this government due to their poor response to the pandemic, it is with thanks that my blog site is still doing well.
An average of 200k monthly views is not bad at all. We could have done better if only our country is back to normal...or should I say, back to "better normal" since we could actually do a lot better if we could get rid of the scums of the government.
Though I do need to work harder and smarter despite of the everyday worries and concerns escalated by these politicians who are now seemingly busier campaigning for their 2022 government position slot, instead of focusing on solutions to resolve our needs to effectively go against the challenges created by this virus.
Also, the news of several "whiffs of corruption" being discovered plaguing the Duterte government, is alarming. This government is not only credit-grabbing projects initiated by the previous administrations, but they are also twisting facts to steer the focus of our fellow Filipinos away from their own atrocities which they couldn't sensibly explain in order to save themselves from scrutiny. Their paid trolls are already working overtime and in full blast, to misinform and confuse the Filipinos.
Huwag po tayong magpaloko sa buladas ni Duterteng nawawala sa wisyo. Kulang na lang ay ma-admit yan sa mental hospital for his inflattering lunatic behavior.
I had to evolve WazzupPilipinas.com into more of a news site, including political opinions, instead of the usual events coverage, presscons, food reviews, etc., because we hardly have offline activities mainly due to the dreaded virus which is scaring most of us thus keeping ourselves confined more in the safety of our homes.
There is a need to thwart the bad intentions, activities and plans of the Duterte administration, otherwise we will coninue to suffer in their hands especially if they get seats, either by cheating or widespread misinformation dissemmination, in the 2022 election.
Waxzup Pilipinas will continue to be vigilant to help in countering their nasty deeds.
We should not let them get away with evil.