Thursday, August 5, 2021

Streamers unite to safeguard forests


Wazzup Pilipinas!?

The international streaming community is uniting again to participate in Every Last Leaf, the second collaborative global livestream fundraising event hosted by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)Network.

The digital fundraising event which launched on the 23rd of July runs until the 14th August to raise awareness and funds to safeguard 150 million hectares of forest by 2030 as part of the global WWF Forests Forward initiative.

Nearly half of the planet’s forests have been cleared – with over 10 billion trees still being cleared every year. This is equivalent to losing an area of forest the size of New York City every day, accelerating the rates of global warming.

Trees absorb carbon dioxide to help keep the Earth cool. Without them, 15 billion tons of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. Forests are also vital in maintaining the biodiversity and health of the planet. Currently there are two billion hectares, an area approximately the size of Europe, of degraded forests which can be revived.

“This is a chance for online creators and their communities to make a real difference for people and nature,” said WWF Livestream Fundraising Coordinator Lucy Chen. “Our Wild-Livestreamers communitree provides a beacon of hope for the future of forests around the world.”

Over 90 Wild-Livestreamers have signed up and fundraised over $20,000 USD within the first week of the event. Among the returning streamers is Twitch partner ExcessiveProfanity and his team, the ‘CForce’, who first participated in a WWF event during the Australian bushfires in 2019. And we also have streamers from TierOne Entertainment Malaysia and Blacklist International such as (SpectraMaster) Jasper Yap, Absolute Yana, Chel. C, Aeonz, Hishiko, and Ajimzz. Joining us as well for the second time are the streamers from the Gamer Girls Philippines and TierOne Entertainment Philippines.

"After an incredible response from our community raising $20,000 to Keep Koalas Climbing in 2019, the CForce is back bringing people together again for another good cause: planting trees, because breathing is great and we want to keep doing it,” said ExcessiveProfanity

The Every Last Leaf event is open to all online content creators. Interested streamers can still register on Tiltify. As a fundraiser for WWF, streamers can earn exclusive rewards including WWF T-shirts, keep cups and hoodies. Streamers who raise over $10,000 are also invited to experience on-the-ground turtle research in Queensland, Australia.

For more information on Every Last Leaf, sign up on Tiltify, join the Wild-Livestreamers Discord or stay tuned on the WWF Wild-Livestreamers Twitter page. For other enquiries you can contact WWF-Philippines at In the online communitree, #EveryLastLeaf counts.


Media contact:


Angelica Carballo Pago, Communications Manager

World Wide Fund for Nature Philippines| +63 949 889 1332


Chezka Guevarra, Assistant Manager for External Communications
World Wide Fund for Nature Philippines | +63 927 656 6436

