Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Hy-Brasil: The Mysterious Island That Housed A Modern Civilisation


Popular for protecting a strong and mysterious group of people, the mystical island of HY-Brasil has caught the attention of explorers and historians for ages, and it also captured the interest of UFO researchers recently.

A mystical island became the center of interest among European explorers that ventured into the seven seas hundreds of years ago. The island’s name is Hy-Brasil, a place highly speculated for housing an extremely developed ethnic group with unexplainable powers. Hy-Brasil can be seen on different maps dating back to 1325 and up to 1800s and is situated around 200 miles away from Ireland’s west coast.

Some sea navigators ventured in looking for the island, but this seemed impossible for it only appeared in random times. Furthermore, its exact location changes periodically, although it had been reportedly seen around the area of North Atlantic Ocean. Based on an Irish legend, the Hy-Brasil was believed to be covered in heavy fog or mist but there comes a time, a day every seven years that it can be seen by the naked eye. Although it becomes visible, the place is still unreachable.


The origin of the island’s name is derived from the Celtic word ‘Breasal’ which means ‘High King of the World’. Genoese cartographer Angelino Dulcert was the first one who marked it on a map in 1325. The word ‘Bracile’ was used by Dulcert but later in 1375, a group named Catalan Atlas called it as ‘Illa de Brasil’ and was thought as two different islands.

The story about the island became more popular when it was included in the Venetian map of cartographer Andre Bianco and referred to it as ‘Sola de Brasil’. The place then appeared in 1595 on maps like the Ortelius Map of Europe and Europa Mercator Map and was still seen in other illustrations in the next years, but its exact location differed from one to another.
Curious about what they could possibly discover upon reaching Hy-Brasil, sea voyagers went to a search or it. Pieces of evidence tell that an English sailor by the name John Jay Jr., who left from Bristol, England in 1480 and spent two weeks at the middle of the vast sea, just returned with great disappointment. On the next year, Trinity and George took off with two ships also came back with nothing.

But not everyone who went to see the island became unlucky, for Pedro de Ayala, a Spanish diplomat, was able to narrate the story about John Cobot to the Catholic Monarchs of Spain. He was triumphant in his search for the infamous island.

In addition to the list, John Nesbet, a Scottish sea captain, came across Hy-Brasil on his journey from France to Ireland in 1674. Before lavishing on the eminent isle, it was rumored that he had sent four men to the island. They were able to have a good time there, rumors say.


Based on the captain’s account, the four men encountered an old man who tried to offer them gold and silver. The last big thing that enticed the sailors were the huge dark rabbits and the mysterious magician they met in the isle. They were believed to live inside a colossal defensive wall made of stone.

Even though the story seemed a little unbelievable not only in the present, Alexander Johnson led another exploration at almost the same time and was able to prove Nesbet’s account.

Not much has been told about the magnificent island until 1872. Robert O’Flaherty and T.J. Westropp insisted they were able to reach the place. Actually, Westropp even emphasized that he had visited Hy-Brasil for three other instances. To get the people’s approval, he went to the island with his entire family to experience the island by themselves.

Hy-Brasil had been a part of some folklore, and on several maps, thus, it gives us enough reason that this island really exists. Few believe that it is an abode of Irish gods, while some other thought this served as a resting place of a modern civilization. The island has not been recorded in modern history, nor was shown in nautical charts, but there was this recent scenario that tells a different story about it.

Sergeant Jim Penniston, a military official discovered the exact coordinates of Hy-Brasil in an utterly unusual manner. This is known as the ‘Britain’s Roswell incident’. An odd aircraft was found outside the US military base in the Rendlesham forest, UK, which was extremely close to a nuclear facility. Penistone started the investigation and saw a flying saucer. When he touched it, he received a message of about 16 pages of binary codes.

Penniston made an attempt to translate the code in the following years, but he found strange coordinates for it sent him to other iconic sites like the Pyramid of Giza and the Nazca Lines. In addition to this strange phenomenon, the top and bottom of the code started with the island’s coordinates. The year 8100, pointed as an origin year, was also part of the message.

Multiple charts and maps show the bizarre Hy-Brasil, but since there is no evidence or claim of the island’s existence, historians believe that this is just a hoax or a case of inaccurate identity.

Some other cartographers refer to this Hy-Brasil as the ‘Porcupine Bank’. This is an isle found in 1862 and can be seen only when the tides are at the lowest. Historians explain that this is possible especially in the end of the Ice Age, a time when global sea level was comparably much lower. This proves that the mysterious island reminds us of a real and mythical site.

Nevertheless, the mystery of this legendary island will arouse the curiosity of the people who want to delve into the concealed pages of the ancient past, for it could be a sign of unusual historical kind of our own world.

Copyright of Lucis Philippines

