The official Communist Party of China known to be atheist has just banned Ramadan fasting in Xinjiang, the northwest region where majority are Muslims. They also warned the Muslim community to not participate in any Muslim religious ways such as Ramadan.
It was announced and spread over through their government institutions, agencies and offices as well as government websites. The memorandum is effectively immediately which no one should observe the Ramadan fasting.
Universities and Radio programs owned by the state government of China also released the warning to all citizens especially to professionals and public officials such as teachers and party members as well as ordinary citizens. All of them were banned from participating in any religious activities of Muslim.
A photo was released by another agency owned by the state responsible for managing the Tarim River. In the photo, it is showing their members enjoying a group meal last weekend. The state agency defended this controversy and saying that those who joined the weekend meal had "expressed a positive attitude and will lead the non-fasting". The group meal was held exactly June 28, 2014, which was the start of Ramadan.
Despite the memorandum and warnings released, it is still unclear what proper sanctions if anyone violates this immediately implemented rule by participating in Ramadan.
It's not first time that the China government has banned their community from observing and participating in religious activities like Ramadan. It was many years ago from now when they first banned the feast from Xinjiang Muslim region but announcements alongside with the continuous warnings are being reminded to the people every year to make sure that no one will break this law and remain faithful to their country.
But why they are banning people from participating in the feast of Ramadan?
The official party did not give any clear reasons as to why people of Xinjiang should not participate in the Ramadan activities. But before, many years ago, China explained the restrictions on fasting activities were implemented by the state to ensure the good health of its people particularly the employees and public officials.
And to even make sure that everyone is abiding the rule, government elements are consistently checking people's homes just to check if they are fasting or not.
Some sectors complain harassment that puts civil unrest and conflicts because China keeps on restricting the religious ways which badly affects the faith of Uighurs.
A continuous battle between the state security and the Muslim minority living in Xinjiang region which results to fatal harassment and death which believes to be fueled by the natural resources in the region. The minorities don't want the resources to be abused by the large bureaucrats and companies.